I can think of a situation where my fiancĂ© and I were arguing about what we should do on the weekend. I wanted to go to the Giants game and she wanted to go to parents. Well after a long drawn out discussion we both decided and came to a consensus of going to her parent’s house but I get to watch the entire Giants game un-disturbed.
Obviously there are going to be situation where it always isn’t win-win. For instance, my sister can be such a pain that she will not budge on some things. So in most cases it winds up in a lose-lose or a win-lose situation. There is nothing more frustrating than someone who won’t compromise in a given situation. You can sit there for hours and not come to a consensus.
I think when you’re on the winning side of a competitive conflict then that would probably be the more satisfying win. But since you can’t always win the collaborative process will be a small victory for everyone.