Friday, February 19, 2010

Chapter 5, question 3

Nonverbal communication was an interesting part of Chapter 5. Seeing as how the majority of communication is nonverbal it is an intricate part on the group dynamic and normal everyday interactions. Just watching how someone’s face or body reacts to something you say can say way more than the words they spew out of their mouth. I cant tell you how much I value non-verbal communication Vs verbal in my job. As a salesman you are always gauging where the customer is at in the conversation and you can tell more how they are reacting to your words but what the do rather than what they say. If they are swaying while they say “ok” the conversation probably isn’t going the way you hoped it would even though they said “ok”. By watching these queues we can interact with our group members in whole other manner which gives us another look into our group dynamic.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post. I also found the topic of non-verbal communication very interesting. I definitely believe that sometimes what people don’t say is a lot more telling then what they actually do say. It takes a very observant and aware person to pay attention to the signs and meanings of non verbal actions. I agree with you that non-verbal communication is very important to sales people. As part of the job, the ability to read people is probably very useful. Like you, I also value non verbal communication more than verbal. The old saying that actions speak louder than words is very true.

  2. Nonverbal communication is something that no matter who you are, what you do, or what you're thinking, always makes it so people can try and figure out what's going on inside your head. I agree that as a salesman you have to gauge what the person who you're trying to sell stuff is thinking, and using their verbal cues is a great way to try and understand where you're headed in regards to getting the sale or not. It's impossible not to communicate, and people who think that just staying silent will not send a message, well, they don't realize that by not speaking, they still are.

  3. Jrod, I think that nonverbal communication is a great topic to discuss. People often do not realize what their body language is saying to people perceiving them on the outside. I believe that this can tie into small group communication because people could make facial expressions while the other people in their group are pitching thing, which could lead to an unsatisfactory experience. When you are looking at someone presenting something, it is very important for the person presenting to look a certain way. If they are shifting back and forth or looking up at the ceiling, it is hard to take the person seriously.
