Saturday, May 15, 2010

week 16, question 1

CMC is obviously very different than face to face communication. I’m sure we have all participated in both CMC and Face to face communication and I’m sure we have noticed some differences. I know that when you purely text message you lose a little bit of the social aspect of communication. You know when you get a text and you’re not really sure if someone is joking or not? Or if someone spells a word wrong and completely changes the meaning of the intended message? This happens all the time during emails and text messages but doesn’t happen when you use face to face communication. You can catch the real meaning in conversations because you can see the expressions and the way they say it. You “lose the lost in translation” aspect because you are getting the information first hand. CMC is on the up and up in today’s world, but in my opinion will never be as effective as face to face.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree that face to face communication is a major difference than CMC. My girlfriend and I always have this problem with text messages and phone talks. Every time we had problem and she texted me, I wasn't sure that if she was seriously mad or just saying it because I could usually tell by her nonverbal communication. This problem occurs a lot when I'm unsure about how she feels to a certain problem, it's hard to find out what she's trying to think. I believe that face to face communication is very important because we must see the person's nonverbal communication in order to get their true feelings, because it's difficult to know whether they are sad or happy.
