Friday, May 14, 2010

week 16, question 3

I really liked the discussion about group norms and roles. I find it really amazing to take a step back and really think about all the specific things that people do to maintain that norm in the group. I bet everyone can think of the roles their friends play in their close circle. I know I can think and see everyone of my friends playing their roles in the group perfectly. I actually went to my friends and told them about this particular chapter and how they each fill their own little role on the group. I also coaxed out a dialogue about how when others violate the group norms how they get blackballed to a point. They then recalled numerous times where our group norm was violated and how we handled it. Although they all disagreed and fought it they all also acknowledged that they all have a specific role to play in the group, whether it was a role they chose or were given.

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